
Pray for those with varying religious backgrounds to be set free from false teachings and enlightened by the truth of God’s love and grace for them.


 Pray for those with varying religious backgrounds to be set free from false teachings and enlightened by the truth of God’s love and grace for them.


Pray for new leaders to be raised up who are passionate about missions and NMI.


Pray that God will grant the new ordinands, in the Africa Region, wisdom in the face of many obstacles that arise in ministry and that they will keep the faith 


Pray for Armenia as they have received a rush of refugees.


Pray for more opportunities for churches in South Korea to use the resources that God has given them to be hands and feet of Jesus in their communities and beyond.



Pray for those places where conflict and prejudice impact the country but where believers are agents of reconciliation and joy.


Pray for the development of the children’s Sunday school program. Pray for the outreach ministry among foreign workers in Singapore.


Pray for the leadership of the Church in Nigeria, for clear vision and the spiritual nurture of next generations.
