Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Weekly Announcements:

VBS is July 22-July 26. It is from 6pm-8:30pm. Registration will begin at 5:30pm. If your child does not have a yearly permission slip on file, we will need a form filled out. The form is available on Facebook and on our website, if you would like to complete it early. You can email it to or bring it with you. You can also fill it in on your child’s first night at VBS.


We will take Donations toward the VBS Project THIS Sunday July 21 and NEXT Sunday July 28. Envelopes are in the Foyer. Please make checks to the church with VBS Project in the memo line.


Celebrate Recovery will meet at Imler’s God’s Country Monday July 22 from 5pm-9:30pm for a picnic/potluck.


ALL Wednesday services are CANCELED for THIS Week. 


Family Fun Night scheduled for July 26 has been CANCELED.


Our Annual Block Party is Saturday July 27 from NOON-3pm. Meat, drinks, and paper products will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Please bring a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, and a change of clothes for your kids/teens. They will get wet and dirty.

NYI please be at the church by 10am. This is a Service Project.


There is a Boys Night and Girls Night being planned for August 09-10. A sign up sheet will be passed on Sunday. This is open to all ages.


Weekly Announcements:

We are taking donations toward VBS snacks. There are envelopes in the foyer. Place your cash in the envelope and place in the offering plate. We will collect donations until THIS Wednesday July 17. Any money left over will go toward the VBS fundraising project.


VBS is July 22-July 26. It is from 6pm-8:30pm. Registration will begin at 5:30pm. The registration form is available on our website and also on Facebook if you would like to fill it out ahead of time. It can be brought the first evening or emailed to

Celebrate Recovery will meet at Imler’s God’s Country Monday July 22 from 5pm-9:30pm  for a picnic/potluck.

ALL Wednesday services on July 24 have been CANCELED. 

Family Fun Night scheduled for July 26 has been CANCELED.

Our Annual Block Party is Saturday July 27 from NOON-3pm. Meat, drinks, and paper products will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Please bring a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, and a change of clothes for your kids. They will get wet and dirty.

NYI please be at the church by 10am. This is a Service Project.


Wednesday Evening Small group will continue watching The Chosen beginning on July 31.

District Ladies Retreat is September 27-29. Spaces are very limited. If you are interested in going, please speak with Marsha as soon as possible so that rooms can be reserved. Information is also in the foyer.

Prayer Request:

Hi everybody 

I received a prayer request from Bonnie Strayer for her friend Joan Moore. Joan suffered a fall yesterday and was transported to Nason hospital and then flown to Conemaugh, indicating that her injuries are more severe. 

We ask that you pray for Joan, pray that her injuries are able to be treated and healed, and pray that she is able to recover. Pray also for her family and friends, that in this time they will be comforted and see the Lord’s hand at work.

I also received a prayer request from Chris Draeger for a young lady named Jewel McMakin. Jewel was suffering from a fever for over a week. She was taken to Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital where it was discovered that she has a heart condition, as well as an auto-immune condition, and after further testing they found she is Septic. It is unsure if each of these conditions are related or they are all becoming evident at the same time.

We ask that you would pray for Jewel, pray that the medical staff is able to identify the best treatment to bring healing, pray that Jewel will be healed, and also pray she will make a full recovery without any side effects. Pray also for the family as they worry and care for Jewel.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

Good morning. These are the weekly announcements:


Special Ministries Meeting has been moved to Tuesday July 9 at 7pm.


Work Day scheduled for Saturday July 13 has been moved to Saturday July 20 beginning at 8am.


There will be a Prayer Tent at the Alum Bank Car Show on Saturday July 13 from 9am-4pm.  We need 2 people for each time slot. If you would like to help, there will be a sign up sheet passed on Sunday.


Our church will be attending services NEXT Sunday July 14 at the Fire Hall beginning at 10am. There will not be any services at the church.


We are taking donations toward VBS snacks. There are envelopes in the foyer. Place your cash in the envelope and place in the offering plate. We will collect donations until Wednesday July 17. Any money left over will go toward the VBS fundraising project.


VBS needs to borrow 4 Christmas Trees. If you can lend us your tree, please let Adena or Penny know. 

Please tie a tag on your tree with your name on it and bring it to the church on Wednesday July 17 or Saturday July 20 before NOON. 


Our Annual Block Party is Saturday July 27 from NOON-3pm. Meat, drinks, and paper products will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to share.


District Ladies Retreat is September 27-29. Spaces are very limited. If you are interested in going, please speak with Marsha as soon as possible so that rooms can be reserved. Information is also in the foyer.


Thank you and Have a Great Day.


Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I received a couple prayer requests for a boy from the Chestnut Ridge school district whose name is Zach Leonard. Zach was riding on a four-wheeler when it flipped. I do not know the extent of his injuries, but he is being taken to the hospital to be treated for them. We ask that you pray for this child and his family. Pray that the injuries are not severe and that they are minor. Pray that he is able to be treated and return home soon. Pray for the comfort of his family during this trying time and that they would feel the peace of the Lord through it all.

Thank you

Pastor Kevin