Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Weekly Announcements:

MAD Kids Camp Early Bird Registration ends TODAY.

They are in need of 5 Male Adult Staff (21 or older) and 4 Male Assistant Counselors.


Ladies Book Club will meet THIS Thursday June 27 at 7pm. The schedule for meetings is in the bulletin.

Family Fun Night  is THIS Friday June 28 at 6:30pm.


There will be a Fellowship Meal NEXT Sunday June 30 immediately following Sunday School. Please bring a covered dish to share.

We are taking donations toward VBS snacks. There are envelopes in the foyer. Place your cash in the envelope and place in the offering plate. We will collect donations until Wednesday July 17. Any money left over will go toward the VBS fundraising project.

Prayer Request:

Hi everybody,

I received a prayer request from Arlene for Seth Sheeder from Everett. Seth is having exploratory surgery on his lungs tomorrow.

Pray that the surgeon and medical staff are able to diagnose what the issue is and are able to develop a treatment plan that will heal his body. Pray for his family as well in this time as they worry and wait for news. 

Thank you
Pastor Kevin 

Weekly Announcements:

Craft Night is THIS Thursday June 20 at 7pm.


Ladies Book Club will meet on Thursday June 27 at 7pm. The schedule for meetings is in the bulletin.

There will be a Fellowship Meal on Sunday June 30 immediately following Sunday School. Please bring a covered dish to share.

We are taking donations toward VBS snacks. There are envelopes in the foyer. Place your cash in the envelope and place in the offering plate. We will collect donations until Wednesday July 17. Any money left over will go toward the VBS fundraising project.

Update on Gwen:

Hi everybody,

 I just wanted to send out an update on Gwen’s surgery from yesterday. Alan texted me about 3:30 saying that she was in recovery at that point and the Doctor said everything seemed to go well and according to plan. If nothing changes, they are looking to release her to go home today.

Continue to lift Gwen, Alan, and their family up in prayer; praying that Gwen will heal quickly and completely and she will have a cancer-free diagnosis. Pray for Alan and the rest of the family as they wait for the updates.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

NYI will begin “FLOCKING YARDS” on June 07 as a fundraiser for the 30 Hour Famine.

Flocking Insurance may be purchased before that date from any NYI Member for a small premium of $20.

You may nominate a yard to be flocked for $10.

A $10 fee will be required for removal by a “Flock Specialist”, with an additional $5 if you choose to move the FLOCK to another yard.

A $10 fee will be charged for each recurrence.

Nominations and Insurance may be purchased until Wednesday June 05.

There is a Building & Grounds Meeting on Thursday June 06 at 7pm.

First Friday Breakfast is June 07 at 8:30am.

NYI will begin their fast at NOON on Friday June 07 and will continue until Saturday at 6pm.  Please be at Ronnie’s house by 4pm on Friday.

Work Day is Saturday June 08 beginning at 8am.

NEXT Sunday June 09 is NYI Day. We will also be having a Tree Planting Service with Sam Mohnkern. There will NOT be Sunday School. Light refreshments will be available in the Fellowship Hall following the service.