Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Prayer Request:

Hi everybody,

I received a prayer request from Amy for  Chet Musselman.  This is Josh’s dad, he was taken to the hospital this morning sick. He is now in ICU in complete kidney failure. They have him on dialysis and is on a vent.  He is receiving all the meds possible to help improve his condition. The next 24 hours are critical.l

Please pray for Chet’s health, pray that he improves and with God’s touch he is able make a full recovery.

Thank you 
Pastor Kevin 

Prayer Requests:

Hi Everybody

I received a couple prayer requests to pass along.

First Sandy Titmus asked that we lift up Jacob in prayer as he goes for surgery to remove the lymph nodes infected with cancer. After they are removed, they will do a more thorough biopsy in an attempt to identify the type of cancer and the best treatment options. Pray that they are able to give Jacob better news in the days to come. Pray that Jacob will recover quickly from this surgery and be able to be treated and healed of this cancer. Pray also for his family who are very upset over the news and frightened of what lie ahead.

Next, I received a prayer request from Liz for Julie Clark. Julie has an infection in her finger that has caused severe swelling and has taken her to the doctor and emergency room. She is scheduled for a surgical procedure to try and remove the infection Wednesday. Pray that the procedure goes well, pray that the swelling in Julie’s finger goes down and that the infection will be treated and go away. Pray for healing in each of these requests

Thank you

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

There will be a Ladies Picnic THIS Thursday May 23 at 6pm. Please bring a covered dish to share.


Family Fun Night is THIS Friday May 24 at 6:30pm.


Celebrate Recovery is having a Potluck/Picnic at the church pavilion on Monday May 27 from 5:30pm-9pm. 

NYI’s 30 Hour Famine has been moved to June 07 & 08. 

NYI will be FLOCKING for their project this year for 30 Hour Famine. We will begin taking reservations starting NEXT Sunday. Flocking Insurance is available to be purchased for a small premium of $20. This will assure that no Flamingos roost in your yard. More information will be available NEXT Sunday. Donations will also gladly be accepted.

There is a sign up sheet in the Foyer for Celebrate Recovery meals.

Prayer Request:

Hi everybody 

Shane and Maygan welcomed Jayce Wyatt into the world today. However, the cleft palate is making it difficult for Jayce to get the nutrients he needs. His blood sugar is low and they have taken him to the NICU and put a feeding tube in to give him nourishment. 

We are asking that you would lift him up in prayer. Pray the the Lord would guide Jayce and that he would learn to eat with the cleft palate and be able to receive the proper nourishment. 

Also pray that Shane and Maygan would feel the Lord’s presence and be comforted during this time.

Thank you
Pastor Kevin 

Prayer Request:

Hi everyone,  

I received a prayer request from Karen Draeger for her daughter in law, Heidi’s dad, Ben. Ben is to have heart valve replacement surgery Wednesday morning at 7am. He is in Pittsburgh.

Pray that this procedure goes as planned and is successful. Pray that Ben will recover quickly and find relief. Pray also for Ben’s family as they worry and wait. Pray that they would receive the Lord’s peace and assurance in this time.

Thank you

Pastor Kevin