Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Prayer Request:

Hi everybody

I have a prayer request from Adena for her nephew Jordan Feaster. 

Jorden went for an infusion this morning and they found he is starting to get another abscess. The Dr told him he needed surgery immediately, so he’s headed to Pittsburg today. Not sure when they’ll do the surgery. Either tonight or tomorrow but he’s a little shook up. 

We are asking that you pray for Jordan to have peace about this surgery. Pray that the surgery goes well and he is able to make a full recovery as soon as possible.

Thank you 

Pastor Kevin 

A few announcements:

Hello everyone. I have a few announcements.

This Wednesday evening August 30, we will be having an Ice Cream Social in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will not be having individual classes that evening. Ice Cream will be provided. Please bring your favorite topping.

We will be participating in the Operation Christmas Child program. Shoeboxes have been ordered. We will have them available as soon as we receive them. A paper is in the foyer with the list of approved items. You will take a box, fill it with your items along with $10. You will then fill out the label, place it on your box, put a rubber band around the box and return it to the church. I believe the collection date for the boxes is sometime at the beginning of November. When we have more information, we will let you know.

Thank you and have a great day.

Prayer Request:

Hello everyone.

I received a prayer request for Marsha’s sister-in-law Karen Miller.

We have been praying for Karen. Karen has an issue with her platelet count and has been receiving transfusions every other day.

She has had a bone marrow biopsy but because it came back inconclusive, she will need to redo the test this week.

The results can take a month to come back.

Karen is becoming discouraged and needs our prayers.

Please pray that if it be God’s will, that Karen’s results for her new test will come back clear and her platelet count will return to normal. Pray for her and her family that they will find peace while they wait for the results. Also pray for the doctors as they decide on the best treatment for Karen.

Thank you.

Weekly Announcements:

We will continue with our study on Sunday Mornings called “A People of Grace.” Books are in the Foyer.

First Friday Breakfast is THIS Friday at Denny’s at 8:30am.

Promotion Sunday has been moved to September 10. 

There will be a Nature Walk @ Shawnee on Sunday September 10 at 2pm. Any questions, please speak with Adena.

We will be collecting our Alabaster Offerings on Sunday September 10 and Sunday September 17.

Petersburg Church of the Nazarene is planning to host a Prayer Retreat with 

Dr. Estelle (Gross) Cyrus on September 29-October 01. There is a flyer with more information on the Bulletin Board. Dinner will be a potluck on Friday Evening, so please take a covered dish. There will be snacks on Saturday. We need to have a total for them by Wednesday September 27, so please let Pastor Kevin or Penny know if you are planning to go.

Prayer Request:

HI Everybody

I received a prayer request from Jeane’ Mock for their neighbor who was involved in a farming accident. Jeane has shared that the accident sounded pretty bad and that life flight was being called in. We ask that you pray for the victim of this accident as well as the family who is no doubt worried and the emergency personnel who are working to save the victim. Pray that the Lord would be with each person involved and that they would receive the comfort and healing that is needed.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin