Weekly Announcements:

Family Fun Night is Friday January 26 at 6:30pm.

NYI Bake & Take is Saturday January 27. Please be at the church by 10am. We will also be helping with the Gas Buy Down before delivering our baskets. This is a Service Project. Please let Ronnie know by NEXT Sunday if you are going to be there.

Anyone interested in helping with the Gas Buy Down, please speak with Pastor Kevin or Jan.

We will have Special Speakers Next Sunday January 28. Roger and Mindy Yarnell will be here to speak about their Work & Witness Trip.

We need volunteers for Children’s Church for THIS coming year. Clearances are required. There is a Sign Up Sheet. We will not be able to have Children’s Church until we have volunteers.

Please watch the calendar for Cancellations.

Cancellations due to weather will be announced on One Call, Facebook, and on our Website 
