Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I received a prayer request from Sandy Titmus for her friend’s son, Tom Kuzupas. Tom is 37 years old, and is dealing with lungs that are failing as a result of being born very premature. Tom has been told that due to the failing lungs other organs such as his kidneys and liver are beginning to fail and there is nothing the doctors are able to do.

We are asking that you would pray for Tom, pray that in this time he would come to know the Lord as his savior. Pray that in coming to grips with his final days, he would call out to the Lord for help. Pray also that a miracle may occur and that somehow, Tom’s life would be spared. Also pray for his parents; pray that they would lean on the Lord in this time and that in the days to come that their relationship would be healed and renewed.


Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I received a prayer request from Arlene for Carl Wenger. Carl was scheduled for some cancer treatments today; but after seeing the results of some bloodwork, the treatment was postponed and Carl was sent to Pittsburgh for alternative treatment.

We ask that you pray that all the issues as well as the cancer will be resolved and the cancer removed from his body. Pray also for Carl to keep a positive outlook and that the rest of the family would be encouraged in the days to come.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Prayer Request:

HI Everybody

I received a prayer request from Bonnie Strayer for her friend Nancy Grimm. Nancy went into the hospital for a kidney procedure and there was a complication and is now in the ICU. We ask that you would lift Nancy up in prayer, pray that she would feel the Lord’s presence and experience His healing touch. Pray that in the days to come that she would begin to see improvement and be able to come home and resume a normal life.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

Board Meeting is THIS Thursday June 8 at 7pm.

Work Day is THIS Saturday June 10 at 8am.

There will be a Kindness Outreach Gas Buy Down on Saturday June 17. If you are interested in helping, please speak with Jan or Pastor Kevin.

Freedom House Ministries is hosting a fundraiser at Hoss’s on Sunday June 18. Coupons are in the foyer.

We will be having a Deputation Service on June 18 with Angelina Jones. We will also be collecting a deputation offering. Write “deputation offering” on your tithe envelope or in the memo line of your check.

Children & Preteens Camp is scheduled for August 7-11 at Rhodes Grove Camp. Registration is open now. The cost is $220 if paid before June 23. The church will pay half of your fee. They are also looking for counselors. The flyer is on the Bulletin Board. 

We need someone to teach Children’s Church in September. Please speak to Penny if you are able to help. Clearances are required.

Prayer Requests:

HI Everybody

I have two prayer requests to pass along. First is for Bill Smith of Lovely who was involved in a farming accident last evening. Pray that his injuries are not severe and that he is able to heal and make a full recovery. Also pray for his family and friends as they worry over his condition.

Next is a prayer for Tracee Brown who will be having a second cancer surgery on June 8, in Williamsport. We ask that you pray for Tracee and her family. Pray that the surgery accomplishes its purpose and that Tracee is able to make a full and complete recovery and be cancer free. Pray for her family as well that they would be comforted and have the assurance that the Lord is with them in this time.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin