Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I have a prayer request and an update to share regarding Carl Beegle. Carl has been diagnosed with pneumonia and was put on medication for this and will have his heart catheterization in 10 days. Continue to pray for Carl’s health to improve and that his procedure is able diagnose any problems that are able to be treated. Pray also for his family in this time as they wait and pray.

Our next prayer request is for Bethany Derbidge. A couple weeks ago she shared that she was feeling led to move to Utah to minister to Mormon’s. She shared that an opportunity for her to move in the fall has presented itself which is quicker than she expected. She is going to pursue ministry in general and to the Mormons as well as finish her degree. It is her hope that this will also have an impact on her families who live in this area as well.

She is asking us to pray for her as she plans and works to coordinate everything. Pray for her to find ministry opportunities and the funding to assist her in this move.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin 

Prayer Requests:

Hi Everybody

I have a prayer request for Carl Beegle. Carl is at the ER with chest pains and they are anticipating transferring him to Altoona to possibly have the Heart Cath sooner than later. We ask that you lift Carl and Sue in your prayers as they wait for further news. Pray also that Carl’s pain would subside and the doctors are able to diagnose the issue and how best to treat it. Ultimately pray for the Lord’s healing touch.

I also received an update on Linda Smith who is sitting up and doing a little better. Her latest scan shows no change which is a good sign. Continue to pray for her healing as well. If you wish to send her cards, send them to Jim Crawford’s address and he will get them to her; 112 Sunbury Rd., Alum Bank, PA 15521.

Finally, I have an update on Carl Winger, he is having issues with his heart and is being pulled from his treatment until this is corrected. Also, Kathy is in need of some dental work but has been putting it off due to Carl’s condition but may need to have it done as soon as possible. Please pray for her healing.

Weekly Announcements:

VBS is Coming!! 

If you are planning to help with VBS, all clearances must be up to date and on file in the church office. An email will be sent THIS week to anyone who needs clearances. Any questions please speak to Penny.

There is a sign up sheet for VBS items that are needed. Because the snacks are based on the VBS theme, all items donated must be exactly what is listed. Donated items will need to be at the church NO LATER than Wednesday July 12. 

We would also like to borrow 6 Christmas Trees for VBS. There is a sign up sheet for these as well. Please have the trees to the church by Wednesday July 12.

A Baby/Child Dedication Service is planned for Sunday July 16. If you have never dedicated your child and would like to, or if you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Kevin.

We need someone to teach Children’s Church in September. Please speak to Penny if you are able to help. Clearances are required.


Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

Eddie and Danielle have asked that I send out a prayer request for them as they face some very important appointments today. Pray that God would open doors of opportunity for them and that the Lord will close the doors that hold them back from being all that God has planned for them.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

There will be a Kindness Outreach Gas Buy Down NEXT Saturday June 17. If you are interested in helping, please speak with Jan or Pastor Kevin.

Freedom House Ministries is hosting a fundraiser at Hoss’s NEXT Sunday June 18. Coupons are in the foyer.

We will be having a Deputation Service NEXT Sunday June 18 with Angelina Jones. We will also be collecting a deputation offering. Write “deputation offering” on your tithe envelope or in the memo line of your check.

A list will be passed next week for VBS items that are needed. Because the snacks are based on the VBS theme, all items donated must be exactly what is listed. Donated items will need to be at the church NO LATER than Wednesday July 12. 

Children & Preteens Camp is scheduled for August 7-11 at Rhodes Grove Camp. Registration is open now. The flyer is on the Bulletin Board. Speak with Pastor Kevin for more information.

We need someone to teach Children’s Church in September. Please speak to Penny if you are able to help. Clearances are required.