Weekly Announcements:

VBS is Coming!! 

If you are planning to help with VBS, all clearances must be up to date and on file in the church office. An email will be sent THIS week to anyone who needs clearances. Any questions please speak to Penny.

There is a sign up sheet for VBS items that are needed. Because the snacks are based on the VBS theme, all items donated must be exactly what is listed. Donated items will need to be at the church NO LATER than Wednesday July 12. 

We would also like to borrow 6 Christmas Trees for VBS. There is a sign up sheet for these as well. Please have the trees to the church by Wednesday July 12.

A Baby/Child Dedication Service is planned for Sunday July 16. If you have never dedicated your child and would like to, or if you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Kevin.

We need someone to teach Children’s Church in September. Please speak to Penny if you are able to help. Clearances are required.

