Weekly Announcements:

We will be collecting a LOVE OFFERING NEXT Sunday August 06 to help our kids with their VBS fundraising project.

Celebrate Recovery will be having special music by “LivingSong” tonight. This will begin at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Building & Grounds Meeting has been moved to THIS Tuesday August 1 at 7pm.

First Friday Breakfast is August 4 at 8:30am.

NYI End of Summer Bash has been moved to Sunday August 13 at 2pm. It will be at Ronnie’s house.

Please let Ronnie know TODAY, if you are planning to attend.

There are envelopes in the Foyer for Our Dollar Drop. Please place $1 bills inside, DO NOT seal your envelope, and then place it in the offering plate. You do not need a separate envelope for every $1.

There is a sign up sheet in the Foyer for the Kids Slinky Action Zone Trip on Saturday August 19 at 1pm. Permission forms are required, so if you are bringing a friend, they will need to fill out a form and have it back to the church by Wednesday August 16. Any questions, please speak with Adena.
