Weekly Announcements:

There is a Special Ministries Meeting THIS Thursday January 04 at 7pm.
First Friday Breakfast @ Denny’s is THIS Friday January 05 at 8:30am.
Part 2 of our Annual Meeting/Reports will be held during Morning Worship on Sunday January 21. If you are required to do a report, please have them to Pastor Kevin by Sunday January 14.
If you need tithe envelopes, speak with Penny.
There is a sign up sheet in the Foyer for NEXT year’s Children’s Church. Clearances are required.
There is a Bible Reading Plan in the Foyer. You will read the entire Bible in one year, but in chronological order. If you need extra copies or have questions, please speak with Penny.
Stay tuned for our 2024 Calendar. It will be updated soon.
Please watch the calendar for Cancellations. Cancellations due to weather will be announced on One Call, Facebook, and on our Website @ ryotnazarene.org. If you are not receiving One Call messages and would like to, please speak with Penny.
