Weekly Announcements:

There is a Board Meeting THIS Thursday January 11 at 7pm.

Work Day scheduled for January 13 has been CANCELED.

Part 2 of our Annual Meeting/Reports will be held during Morning Worship on Sunday January 21. There will be a Celebration Meal following Sunday School. Everything will be provided.

If you are required to do a report, please have them to Pastor Kevin by NEXT Sunday January 14.

NYI’s Bake & Take is Saturday January 27. Please be at the church by 10am. Let Ronnie know if you are planning to be there.

We need volunteers for Children’s Church for THIS coming year. Clearances are required. There is a Sign Up Sheet. We will not be able to have Children’s Church until we have volunteers.

There is a Bible Reading Plan in the Foyer. You will read the entire Bible in one year, but in chronological order. If you need extra copies or have questions, please speak with Penny.

If you need tithe envelopes, speak with Penny.

Please watch the calendar for Cancellations.

Cancellations due to weather will be announced on One Call, Facebook, and on our Website 

Thank you and Have a Great Day.
