Information regarding the Fundraiser for Jayce Davis

Hi everyone,

You may have noticed a flyer on the bulletin Board and an order sheet on the table in the foyer to raise funds for expenses incurred for my coming grandson, Jayce’s medical visits.

This fundraiser is not being conducted by our church, but we are assisting with it. I have agreed to submit all orders from the sheets in our church and pick them up at the Bedford location. I will then bring them to the fellowship hall on that day where you may pick up your order.

I will collect the payments at that time and give them to the fund raiser.

If you have any further questions, please give me a call on my cell number 814-977-0318

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

Wednesday Evening Groups will be having an Ice Cream Social on Wednesday March 20 at 6:30pm.

There are Dollar Hide envelopes in the Foyer. Take an envelope, place $1 bills inside, DO NOT SEAL, and place in the offering plate. You do not need a separate envelope for each dollar. Envelopes are due back by Wednesday March 20.

Craft Night is Thursday March 21 at 6:30pm.

Family Fun Night is Friday March 22 at 6:30pm.

We will be collecting an Easter Offering for the next 2 weeks, Sunday March 24 and March 31. Envelopes are in the Foyer.

Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday March 30.

NYI, please be at the church by 10am. This is a Service Project.

Easter Egg Hunt is at 2pm.

Registration begins at 1:30pm.

Short practice immediately following the Egg Hunt.

Celebrate Recovery Step Program CANCELED.

Our Easter schedule for March 31 is as follows:

Easter Sunrise Service will be on top of the hill beginning at 6:50am.

Breakfast will immediately follow.

Easter Service begins at 9am.


Prayer Request:

Hi everybody

I received a prayer request from Karen for her daughter in laws father. Heidi’s dad has been in the hospital for a week. They just diagnosed him with congestive heart failure. They also want to remove his gallbladder he is weak and feeling sick.


We are asking that you lift him in your prayers. Please pray that all goes well with the decisions being made, that the treatment plan is successful and that he makes a full recovery.


Next, I also have an update on my father. He is preparing to go for his procedure. He is in good spirits and we are confident in the outcome of the procedure.


Thank you
Pastor Kevin

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I wanted to update everybody on dad’s condition and progress. He was admitted Thursday evening with pain related to his previous heart attacks. After several tests and debate, the scheduled a Catheterization on Friday which was postponed. Monday, they performed a stress test followed by a catheterization. During the Cath, the doctor found a blockage and had difficulty trying to perform the procedure to repair it and chose to stop and transfer dad to Pittsburgh where they are better suited to treat high risk procedures.

So, Dad is being transferred to Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh today, he will be scheduled for the procedure tomorrow with Dr. Toma, a very reputable cardiologist.

We ask that you would lift dad up in your prayers, pray that the transportation to Pittsburgh goes without any complications. Pray that there will be a calmness and assurance in Dad, Sharon, and all of the family, that this is in God’s hands and His desires will be the outcome. Ask the Lord to anoint the medical staff as they perform their procedures and that the result will bring dad home healthier than he was before entering the Hospital.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

We are collecting Easter Candy until Wednesday March 13. All candy must be individually wrapped and small enough to fit into a plastic egg. Please no chocolate or nuts. There is a tote in the Foyer.

Board Meeting is THIS Thursday March 14 at 7pm.

NYI will fill eggs on Saturday March 16 at 10am. This is a Service Project.

Kids will be going Bowling on Saturday March 16 at 1pm. Permission forms must be on file at the church office to attend. If you are bringing a friend, please speak with Penny for a form. There is a sign up sheet in the Foyer.

There are Dollar Hide envelopes in the Foyer. Take an envelope, place $1 bills inside, DO NOT SEAL, and place in the offering plate. You do not need a separate envelope for each dollar. Envelopes are due back by Wednesday March 20.

Please watch the calendar for Cancellations.

Cancellations due to weather will be announced on One Call, Facebook, and on our Website

Work Day Postponed:

Hi Everybody

Since the weather forecast is calling for a steady rainfall tomorrow, I am going to postpone the work day. However, I have seen that the forecast for Tuesday afternoon is warm and sunny.  So, I am going to reschedule the cleanup of the grounds in preparation for the Egg Hunt for Tuesday afternoon starting at 4:00 and we will work until we are finished.

If you are unable to be there right at 4:00, come when you are able. My hope is many hands make light work; so the more that show up the less time it will take.

I hope to see you then!

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I have a prayer request for my father, Ern Davis. Dad was taken to the hospital last evening with some pain related to his previous heart attacks. They did some testing and decided to keep him overnight for observation and then have the cardiac specialists meet with him today sometime. He is currently waiting for that meeting.

I am asking that you pray that all symptoms would subside and that his tests would come back normal and that if they decide to do further testing that he gets good results. Pray also that during this time that the Lord would calm any anxiety and worries and that he would be found to be in good health and be able to return home.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

Special Ministries Meeting is THIS Thursday March 07 at 7pm.


We are collecting Easter Candy until Wednesday March 13. All candy must be individually wrapped and small enough to fit into a plastic egg. Please no chocolate or nuts. There is a tote in the Foyer.


NYI will fill eggs on Saturday March 16 at 10am. This is a Service Project.


Kids will be going Bowling on Saturday March 16 at 1pm. Permission forms must be on file at the church office to attend. If you are bringing a friend, please speak with Penny for a form. There is a sign up sheet in the Foyer .


Please watch the calendar for Cancellations.

Cancellations due to weather will be announced on One Call, Facebook, and on our Website 

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I received a prayer request for Jody Shaffer. Jody is the mother-in-law of one of Shannon Browns coworkers. Jody coded, after suffering an arterial lung bleed. She lost a large amount of blood and is in a Pittsburgh ICU being sedated. She is facing a potential left lung removal or transplant.

We are asking that you would lift Jody and her family up in your prayers. Pray that she would experience a miraculous healing touch of our Lord. Pray that the lung removal is not necessary and that she is able to heal and make a full recovery. I am also asking that you lift up her family and friends at this time as the situation seems very dire. Pray that their fears are met with a confidence that only the Lord can give.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I received a prayer request from Adena and Kelly for a friend, whose husband has been hospitalized in the Altoona ICU with pneumonia and other health issues. Adena indicated that the situation doesn’t look good.

We ask that you would pray for this gentleman and his wife as the doctors do what they can to heal this man. Pray that the lungs would be cleared, that the other concerns would be eliminated by the healing touch of God. Pray that this man would make a complete recovery and his family would be able to be reunited in their home.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin
